激光雷达量产难 业内预计2024年才会大规模上车

来源:证券之星原创 发布:2022-04-16 09:38:03

随着各大车企纷纷加入自动驾驶车辆的研发和部署,去年以来,被誉为“智能汽车千里眼”的激光雷达加快了上车步伐。2022年,国内将有多款搭载激光雷达的车型上市交付,不少观点指出,今年将成为国内激光雷达量产的元年。不过这仅仅是个开始。日前,Innoviz(INVZ.US)中国区总经理苏淑萍在接受记者采访时指出,从激光雷达量产的角度,2022年只是小规模上车,目前处于“从0到1”的阶段,能否迈过“1”这个门槛还有待商榷。言下之意,激光雷达的发展现在远未到大规模量产的水平。苏淑萍认为,如果年产50万台以上叫大规模,激光雷达大规模上车的时间将会在2024、2025年之后。 (21世纪经济报道)

Innoviz Technologies(INVZ.US)公司简介:Innoviz Technologies Ltd. is a manufacturer of high-performance, solid-state LiDAR sensors and perception software that enable the mass production of autonomous vehicles. It offers InnovizOne, an automotive-grade, mass-producible LiDAR sensor, InnovizTwo, next generation high-performance automotive-grade LiDAR sensor, and Innoviz抯 perception software, designed to complement its hardware offerings with advanced AI and machine learning-based classification, detection and tracking features. The firm is backed by top-tier strategic partners and investors, including SoftBank Ventures Asia, Samsung, Magna International, Aptiv, Magma Venture Partners, Vertex Ventures, 360 Capital Partners, Harel Insurance Investments and Financial Services, Phoenix Insurance Company and others. The company was founded in 2016 by Omer David Keilaf and is headquartered in Rosh Ha扐yin, Israel.

关键词: 证券之星